Achieve optimal health with evidence-based, long-term weight loss treatments.
Medical Appointment Structure
Monthly Appointments With Dr. Koohsari
First Month
- 60 minute in person appointment AND
- 30 minute virtual appointment
- Goals: Establish care, review health history, set up treatment plan
- Cost: $350 (includes both visits in first month)
Months 2-5
- 30 minute virtual or in-person appointment
- Goals: Monitor your progress, evaluate and work through any hurdles, and adjust your overall health plan.
- Cost: $250/per appointment
Months 6-Onwards
- 30 minute virtual or in-person appointment
- Goals: Monitor your progress and treatment response, and plan for your long-term maintenance and monitoring.
- Cost: $250/per appointment
Body Composition Analysis
- Body Composition Analysis with the InBody 570 Scale is included with visits for those who are eligible.
- It is done at the initial intake and recommended with every 10% total body weight loss. It may be done more frequently based on individual need.
Nutritionists: Referrals may be made to a nutritionist in the community. Accept most insurances.
Health Coach: Referrals may be made to a health coach in the community. Usually not covered by insurance.